I recently read a book called
Worldliness by the guys at Sovereign Grace. The authors want us to avoid worldliness at all cost as Christians, yet in this particular chapter they remind us to engage and try to change the world. And as this passage indicates, they think one of the primary means of doing that is how we raise our children. Moms, future moms, dads, and future dads, take a minute to read this; and see if your appreciation for mothers doesn't come rushing back! Here you go:

"As a husband who daily observes the unflagging labor and selfless sacrifice of my wife, Julie, as she cares for me, our two boys, and our home, I carry a particular burden that mothers grasp and, amid the unremitting responsibilities and countless chores of parenting, remember this message. Despite our culture's pervasive hostility to the idea, motherhood is a calling from God, and no calling is higher. Although Scripture calls husbands to provide loving leadership to their homes, it's the incessant labors of mothers that, day by day, year after year, instill biblical values and inculcate a Christian culture in the home. Who can measure the long-term effects of nurturing helpless infants, supervising wandering toddlers, disciplining self-willed children, and counseling self-absorbed adolescents? Of family outings planned, traditions built, memories made, books read, songs sung, Scripture taught? That's why motherhood belongs under the heading, 'Engage the World'; no one shapes generations or fashions cultures more than mothers." -Jeff Purswell (p. 159)
Well said. Can't really add much to that :) Thank you moms!
If you'd like to buy the book for just $10.00, follow this link:
Sovereign Grace
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